Poems by Barbara Joan Tiger Bass

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by Barbara Joan Tiger Bass

From Canary Spring 2010

Barbara Joan lives near the Hayward fault line and the Sausal Creek Watershed in Oakland, California.

the snow
is disappearing
someone turned
the volume up
on global melt
down while lately
the great fog
of death warranted

Garden Verse

by Barbara Joan Tiger Bass

From Canary Summer 2010

I learned rue from Frost and spent
part of each day doing so

fragrance of fresh earth
torn stalk of sage

I began to despair and then... kiwi
vines entwined above

a first word moon
emerged to applause

neurotransmitters traveled
at break-neck speed

how was stored

We Are the Environment

by Barbara Joan Tiger Bass

From Canary Fall 2010

the doorway to elsewhere
stays ajar and Caren
appears having crossed
my mind two years ago

eventually it links
to water, embryonic
that 80% we ignore as if
this mass of flesh

is not illusion
we deny oceanic ripple
aqueous cell structure
and our buoyancy

which keeps us supple
the river we think won't dry

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