Poems by Brooks Robards
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Cake Walk
by Brooks Robards
From Canary Summer 2018
Brooks walks and cross-country skis along the Mill River watershed in Northampton, Mass. In the summer she walks and swims near the Farm Pond watershed in Oak Bluffs, Mass., and she spends six weeks every winter hiking along the Gallisteo Creek watershed outside Santa Fe, NM.
Beneath feet, earth
yields gently in transit
to a desert windmill.
Monochrome skies will
bring rain after dark.
Ground’s cake-baked cracks
lead to a livestock water tank
where goldfish hug the bottom.
Orange flashes, a few albinos
in the mix, these outlanders
jolt the eye, feed empty spaces
between there and home.
© Brooks Robards
by Brooks Robards
From Canary Spring 2018
In the desert on a berm
above a cragged arroyo
something small, blue, round
shatters into shards
blows away in the wind
unexpected, out of place.
Later a bird launches itself
from a fence post, flying
higher, soon so far away
it turns into two birds
then vanishes in a cloud
gone like the eggshell.
© Brooks Robards